Sunday, November 16, 2008

Novel Writing Month Drags on --and I'm still behind

Well, I'm still waaaaaay behind where I need to be on National Novel Writing Month. I'm only at 6,000 words and I should be well on my way to 15K by now. Like my friend Joy who is a freakin' writing MACHINE (Hi Joy! leave a comment). Any other NANO writers out there?

So how to catch up? Someone with NANO said that to catch up, go to a library, set aside a solid hour and just type like crazy... I might try that some time tomorrow. We'll see.

Hey, any of my friends have any blogs out there they want to link to over here? let me know.
Any NANO's want to contribute on how you're hacking it through the month?

Here's hoping I'll have something to post by the end of next week....

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